Why audio?
If you have not made the investment in an Audible subscription can I recommend that you do? It is the best way for busy women to read and for female entrepreneurs to get their daily dose of inspiration. If you are commuting, if you are walking anywhere, if you are working on your business or if you simply want to shut the kids and the husband out. Turn on and listen to an inspiring book. This is now my go to method to digest any book so I thought I would bring you my 5 favourites that I have tucked away on my iPhone.
For those that don’t understand the world of audiobooks, the most popular platform is Audible which is owned by Amazon. So you can sign up for an Audible account using your Amazon log on. For some reason and don’t get me started on this, but audiobooks are really expensive. The beauty of Audible is that you can buy a monthly subscription, which at the writing of this post is £7.99 per month and this gives you 1 credit a month to buy any book.
So sign up for a subscription today and download your first book.
Choose Yourself – by James Altucher
I fell across this book by complete accident and can now not get enough of his writing and podcasts. I am now a complete fangirl. James Altucher is not your usual personal development guru and he would certainly never refer to himself that way.
The book charts the story of his life, his successes and low periods, from incredible business success to being almost broke, from divorce to how he built himself up again.
It is not the usual ra ra, alpha male inspo book that seems to clutter up the virtual shelves. James is blunt, honest, self effacing but gives the most brilliant advice. When it comes down to business he knows his shit and it is not your usual follow the crowd methodologies, it is spoken from his experience of success and failure. This book is packed and I mean packed full of useful information and inspiration not just about how you can turn your life around but what you can do when you do.
To make the purchase click on the image above.
Big Magic – by Elizabeth Gilbert
I could listen to Elizabeth Gilbert talk all day. She has the perfect voice for an audiobook. I loved Eat Pray Love but I think this one is my favourite.
This book through and through is about creativity from people who encapsulate it in their lives, why the rest of us average people don’t and how we can.
It is beautifully written and inspiring and it makes you want to open up your life to more creativity. If you live your life the duldrums of corporate world this book may help you to take more creative steps and really opens up your passion that may turn your life more in the direction you would like it go.
To make the purchase click here
Extreme You, Step Up, Step Out – by Sarah Robb O’Hagan
It was the amazing Nicole Bremner who recommended this book to me and I am so glad she did. Sarah is a complete powerhouse and she brings that to the book. Sarah gives you the ups and downs of her life. It talks about the amazing risks that she took and how she pushed herself to stand out. It also is packed full of stories of other incredible women who have ignored the crowd and stood out in their own way.
This book feels like it empowers you that from where ever you are starting, you can turn the corner, step off the path of least resistance and stand out.
To make the purchase click here
You are BadAss – by Jen Sincero
I love this book it is just kick ass. Again another brilliant author who is excellent at narrating their own books.
This book does what it says on the tin, it tells you in a million different ways why you should stop doubting yourself, why you need to stop having negative thoughts and the small and powerful steps you can take to turn your life around.
It weights heavily in the direction of the law of attraction but it is not at all whoo, whoo. It is straight forward honest advice, which lots of examples from her own life and others. It really is an inspiring book and one you can dip into many times if you need a life.
To make the purchase click here.
Lean In – by Sheryl Sandberg
Sheryl Sandberg, as the COO of Facebook, is regarded as one of the most powerful women in the world. I had been reluctant to purchase this book and a bit of a snob about it for some reason, maybe because she is not and has never been a struggling entrepreneur. Not that she has not worked hard but because she has a job I pushed this aside.
But I now call myself out for waiting for so long. This is without a doubt one of the best books I have listened to. She puts, so eloquently, what I get so frustrated about it and end up just ranting about in terms of women. She talks with passion, experience and knowledge about how women are treated in the workplace, but also how women can hold themselves back.
This book is powerful and insightful and will make you think. It is a book that all women and men should read and it also a book that all parents should give to their sons and daughters. I can not recommend this book highly enough and I regret waiting so long to listen to it but I am happy I put my stupid beliefs aside and finally added it to my library.
To make the purchase click here
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This is just the shortlist of the many amazing audiobooks I have listened to. They have now become friends who accompany me on walks and my travel.
I can’t recommend this method of digesting books enough, so wait no longer and get signed up and get listening.
Magic. Thank you. I am finally going to press the button and listen rather than “surf* social media !
Audiobooks are perfect for you. You will love them. Let me know how you get on.