The Blog2018-05-02T18:12:46+01:00
1601, 2018

From niche to seven streams

By |January 16th, 2018|Business|Comments Off on From niche to seven streams

It is all about the Niche I wrote a blog post recently called The need to niche - The Florist. It was based on a standard High Street Florist and how you could find success in this overcrowded industry. I gave ten ideas for a way to niche which would help any florist stand [...]

1501, 2018

Find your tribe

By |January 15th, 2018|Business|Comments Off on Find your tribe

Your network determines your net worth I have two clients, who have recently found the courage to leave networking groups that they had been members of for a long time. When I say courage, I mean it, I had to have countless conversations with these clients to talk them through their fears of letting [...]

1301, 2018

How NOT to network

By |January 13th, 2018|Business|Comments Off on How NOT to network

Why is this important? Networking, whether you work for a corporation or you run a small business, is an incredibly important component of growing your profile and brand. It can be a daunting experience for people, to walk into a room of strangers but it can not be ignored. We all have people in [...]

1201, 2018

10 ways to tell your brand story on Instagram

By |January 12th, 2018|Social Media|Comments Off on 10 ways to tell your brand story on Instagram

Why Instagram? If you can make your brand visual you will be head and shoulders above 90% of any other business or personal brand. Instagram is the powerhouse of Social Media platforms in terms of visual storytelling and since its acquisition, it has grown exponentially which new feature after new feature. Successful businesses and [...]

1101, 2018

My top five favourite audiobooks for inspiration

By |January 11th, 2018|Business, Life|2 Comments

Why audio? If you have not made the investment in an Audible subscription can I recommend that you do? It is the best way for busy women to read and for female entrepreneurs to get their daily dose of inspiration. If you are commuting, if you are walking anywhere, if you are working on [...]

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