Why is this important?
Networking, whether you work for a corporation or you run a small business, is an incredibly important component of growing your profile and brand. It can be a daunting experience for people, to walk into a room of strangers but it can not be ignored.
We all have people in our lives who seem to know everyone and this post is not about making you the best connector in the world but it is about adding a little process to your networking so that you have success when you do attend events.
So here are just a few sins that I see time and time again that if people just put a bit more thought into it they would have a lot more successful. Even if you are an introvert you can become successful at networking.
The 7 sins of networking
So here are my 7 sins when it comes to networking and as much as possible you must try not to do.
1) Not turning up on time
A lot of networking groups are very controlled, there is an agenda to stick to, so actually, there is limited time to actually wander around and talk to people. I see so many people run through the door at the last minute, sit down and go straight into the meeting and have missed the opportunity to speak to a lot of people. So when you are planning to attend a meeting, make sure you mark out in your diary to allow enough time to actually network. That includes time at the end as well.
2) Etiquette of Business Cards
For every networking group, I go to at least one person says to me “I’m sorry I have forgotten my business cards”. This is networking 101. Your business cards are an important tool and I wrote recently about The 5 Sins of Business Cards how critical they are to growing your network.
The other no, no when it comes to business card etiquette is the shover. The number of people who just shove business cards at me before we have even had the time to say hello is incredible. It is a regular complaint from business friends and colleagues. You need to get to know people, speak to them and then be asked for a business card. There is nothing more to say about this other than it is just bad manners so don’t do it.
3) Not knowing your pitch
You have to be able to describe what you do when people ask. Learning to pitch at different levels is one of the most important things you need to be able to do for your business or career.
A lot of networking groups will allow you to do a 60 second pitch so you need to have that down, but you also need to have your introduction pitch ready for when you meet some one. I have heard so many amazing stories of people who have won incredible business deals, in the strangest of places, because they are pitch perfect at all levels. If you are unsure how to do this then read books, watch videos or invest in some training.
You pitch is about you and your brand so you do your business an injustice to not ensure you have the best pitch on the tip of your tongue.
4) Sticking to who you know
If you fear networking, but you have forced yourself to attend networking events, then credit to you. It takes courage to walk into a room full of people you don’t know. However, some people can tend to seek security in the people they know. You really need to tart yourself about and speak to as many people as you can when you are at an event or meeting.
I went to a networking event recently and was sat at a table talking to a group of women and three of her colleagues came and sat at the table with her. What was the point in that? What a waste of money for the company paying for this event. The brilliance of networking is speaking to new people, it is always fascinating to find out what other people do. So whilst it may be comfortable to stick to who you know, add to the courage you have already shown by turning up and go and speak to new people.
5) Not being prepared
Walking into a networking event is a bit more than just turning up. It is important to do some research and know what the meeting is all about. Understand what the principles and values of the meeting are. BNI and Athena are very different organisations and you need to know what they are all about so you know what to expect before you go.
Many groups will provide a guest list before the meeting. Don’t ignore this list it is important to do some research so you can find out exactly who is going, find out more about them and make a priority list of people you want to talk to. Good networkers will also connect before the meeting.
6) Not following up
This is one the biggest sins that people make with networking. They turn up at a meeting, collect a ton of business cards and then do nothing with them, this gives completely the wrong perception of your business.
Create a ‘Network workflow’. Come from the meeting, add the person to your database with any little insights that may help you continue to engage, did they mention their family, did they talk about their hobbies, who did they say they were looking to connect with. Then connect with them, send an email, connect on LinkedIn, follow on Twitter, then for those that you think you have a real connection with and arrange a one to one. This follow up with reap so many benefits and opportunities because you will be head and shoulders above what most people do.
7) Knowing when to move on
Many people join networking organisations where they attend regular meetings and they can be great for growing your business and career. However, this is probably a piece of advice to I give most regularly to clients and that is to know when to move on.
Local town networking groups can be great if you are new to the business world or you run a local business, however, if you have big plans for your business you need to know when to move on. There comes a time when you need to start connecting with people at the next level, people and businesses who are at the success levels of your next goals. It can be sad because they will have become friends but not moving on is a bit like staying in junior school when you should be in seniors.
It is a quote I use a lot and I don’t even know who said it first but I love it because it is such a powerful point.
“Your network determines your net worth.”
So don’t stay stuck in a networking group that no longer suits your needs.
Blowing my own trumpet
So to blow my own trumpet a little bit. Sorry. Someone once contacted me because my name had come up. She said she wished she had my address book because she had heard I was really well connected. It made me stop and think, I do haveĀ a huge network of people that I am really proud of but I have learnt from the above mistakes, how to be good at networking. I have learnt from the incredible people that I have surrounded myself with.
There are many things that I love about networking but the main ones are to connect with new amazing people and to be able to connect two successful people together who have the services and products to form powerful partnerships.
So don’t waste the opportunity to grow your network because you commit some or all of these sins, it is a skill be learnt like any other element of running your own business.